Through Harvey's Eye: A Photographic Journey
June 16 – August 16, 2020
In celebration of our highly anticipated re-opening, visitors are encouraged to visit AMOA, free of charge, to experience a photographic journey featuring local photographer Harvey Riedel, in an exhibition titled Through Harvey’s Eye.
The public is invited to view more than 100 photographs showcasing the beauty of North America through the work of one of Anderson’s own! Harvey has traveled broadly throughout the US and Canada, masterfully capturing photos along the way. We encourage you to follow us and partake in different activities on Facebook as we lead you through sections of his journey each week.

Week 1: Yosemite National Park
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 2: Hawaii
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 3: Sun n' Fun, Lakeland, FL
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 4: Grand Canyon
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 5: Pebble Beach
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 6: Portage, Alaska
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!

Week 7: Newfoundland, Canada
Share your own photos with using #AMOAjourney!