Full 1
2nd Annual

Includes 10 Edger spots.
Support our community party! This sponsorship will support the OTE Chicken Coop area, Vendor area, and Family Fun Zone.
Includes 4 Edgers spots.
Assist AMOA with its efforts to pre-promote and inspire OTE Edgers with a pre-party Supporter Night.
Includes 2 Edgers spots.
Support the OTE VIP area.
Includes 1 Edger spot.
Get the party started on the roof!
Includes 1 Edger spot.
Supports the event entertainment including live DJ and MC.
Provide our edgers with a rewarding experience!
Support the event’s beverage service.
Now landing! Celebrate each successful descent.
Your brand on family fun.
General support. Help AMOA elevate OTE and the arts.
Too chicken to go over the edge? Help support the OTE chicken coop raffle. Winning prizes will be shared as received on social media and the website and publicized throughout the event.