There are always items that can help keep our doors open and assist in smoother operation of our organization. Below is a listing of some current needs and some desires from office supplies to building repairs.
Art Supplies
Building Maintenance
- Roof Repair on Southwest Corner
- Plaster ceiling repair near the elevator and in our frame shop.
Educational Supplies
- Tablets (10)
Kitchen & Housekeeping Supplies
- New 100 Cup coffee pot
- Paper goods (cases of paper towels and toilet paper)
Office Equipment
- Cases of Toner for our Copier (Canon iR-ADV C2020/2030 UFR II)
- Cardstock
- Laptop and desktop computers
- Funds to upgrade PastPerfect (our artwork management system)
Passport Supplies
- Ink pads
- Blue, red, & yellow tempra paint
- Dry erase crayons & markers
- Children’s art books
- 4 x 6 blank index cards